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Shark Tank Products and All Time Devices That Turned Into Great Inventions: Part 2

Every now and then, you find yourself appreciating one item or another. Something that has either made your life incredibly easier or something that you really have no idea how you had lived your life before you had it. Shark Tank Products and All Time Devices That Turned Into Great Inventions: Part 2 / Alamy Stock Photo & Instagram/@trees.idn & Getty Images Photo by Adam Rose/Disney General Entertainment Content Yep, that’s right, you are picking up on what we are…

Five Films That Explored the Future of Technology

While movies are the ultimate form of escapism, they can also tell us some haunting truths about the way that technology can evolve – and the great and terrible things that come with it. Here are five of the best films that deal with technological advancements, both real and fictional. Five Films That Explored the Future of Technology / Shutterstock The Matrix“The Matrix” is an incredible movie that asks the question – is the world we live in actually real?…

Follow These 8 Tips to Appear More Professional at Work

Do you ever feel dwarfed by the professionalism of your colleagues, like being a noob in the midst of corporate leaders? Do office mates doubt your abilities, making you feel like an amateur among veterans? If you want to change people’s perception of you, follow these easy tips to show the professional you can actually be.Not needing eye glasses makes you fortunate. But beyond repairing poor eyesight, wearing glasses have certain tactical benefits. If you look too young your age…

Big Bucks: The World’s Top Tech Tycoons and Who’s Next?

 The late nineties and early aughts brought us the dot-com boom, which has changed the world as we knew it. Today we cannot imagine our lives without technology, and the tech industry continues to dominate the market. Big Bucks: The World’s Top Tech Tycoons and Who’s Next? / Alamy Stock Photo But, who should we thank for these developments? And who are the up-and-coming tech moguls who are literally building our future? Take a look at this list to find…

4 Examples of Technology That Can Revolutionize Healthcare

As the pandemic disrupted lives and industries, it necessitated the urgency for healthcare and technology to work in tandem. We know the two go hand-in-hand. But the global health crisis rapidly paved the way for innovative technology to help save lives. Digital health trends gained momentum in the last few years. “Trends” may be a misnomer here since the technology will continue to steer medicine for the foreseeable. In the Herculean effort to make healthcare affordable and accessible to all,…

Ways to Protect Your Phone From Spyware

As mobile technology becomes an intrinsic part of our lives, the risks also increase. Spying on smartphones has become a common occurrence – yet most of us don’t take mobile security seriously. “How would anyone hack into my phone?” While we understand it sounds far-fetched, it’s more common than it seems. Alamy Stock Photo There are several reasons why we should be more vigilant when it comes to our phones. We subject our phones to risk each time we connect…

Facebook’s Smart Glasses, and What They Mean for Us

As wearables increasingly become the preferred immersive tech, corporations everywhere are jumping onto the trend. Recently, Facebook announced exciting plans for the road ahead. Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company plans to launch its first pair of smart glasses in partnership with Essilor Luxottica under the Ray-Ban brand. The company hasn’t revealed much apart from how the glasses “let you do some pretty neat things.” What these neat things mean remains ambiguous at best, but here are a few things…

How to Use Twitter’s Auto-Captions for Voice Tweets

Twitter has launched a new tool that allows users to include subtitles with their voice tweets. Users will be able to add captions to their voice tweets as a result of this change. Voice Tweets are a unique method for users to express themselves on the microblogging platform, which would otherwise restrict them to a maximum of 280 characters. Currently, the function is only accessible on iOS devices, but Twitter plans to extend the service to include more platforms in…

Intentional, Private, Meaningful: Why the World Needs Web 3.0

Where would we be without the internet? Indispensable to daily lives, powering global industry and commerce – it’s one of the most defining technological revolutions in history. Ever since its official inception, the internet has significantly evolved in scope and intent.When Tim Berners Lee started developing the World Wide Web in 1989, he envisioned a space where scientists could meet, read, and write. In its heyday, companies like AOL, Yahoo, and Compuserve dominated this interconnected computer system, which eventually became…

Technology For A Greener Planet

Sustainability may be the latest “buzzword,” but we know it’s far from a passing trend. Climate change is an uncomfortably real threat. As businesses and consumers contend with creating a greener future, technology may emerge as a driving force. Thanks to advancements in technology, leading sustainable lives is more viable than ever before. Here are a few ways technology can encourage sustainable practices – from everyday habits to changes at systemic levels. Shutterstock Smarter Energy StorageWhen it comes to batteries,…

Even More Instagrammers Who Took Their Photo Edits to the Very Extreme

One thing we really hope you have all learned by now is that most of what you see on social media is fake. While it is natural to want to look our best when we present ourselves to the online world, it is important to remember to use filters and Photoshop in moderation. & & & If you thought the first part was addictive, wait till get your eyes around this one. We thought we had…

Memorable Movie Scenes Captured By Drones

The world has never been the same since the drone. Drones offer a new way of seeing, looking, and perceiving. They’re advanced technology but also poetry in how they take us places we’ve never been. It’s no wonder that drones have made a tremendous impact on the film and art worlds. Below we list some of the best drone-captured moments in film – scenes that offered a new perspective and took audiences out of their bodies.Skyfall, 2015 The James Bond franchise…