
Turn Your iPhone Into A Sales Engine With These Apps

If computers go extinct within the near future, you can assume that mobile phones stand to blame. Business Insider reports that the pace of smartphone growth is at 22% compared to the 6% enjoyed by the computer industry. With such strong growth projected over the next decade, nearly one and a half billion persons will use smart phones by the end of this year. Businesses need computing power and no longer need to look at bulky, expensive machines to provide it. As smart phones become more popular and powerful than computers, how can an entrepreneur run a company’s sales force with only a single iPhone?

Find Your Way, For Less

If your company provides some sort of service on wheels, such as ice cream or plumbing repair, you likely already know about the practicality of a GPS unit for getting from point A to point B. While Apple’s iOS includes a GPS free of charge, you can go a step further to save money by downloading the Gas Buddy app to direct you to the cheapest fuel in your vicinity. Plot routes to determine what path you can take to burn the least amount of gas, then fill up for less once you’ve gotten there.

Point Of Sale Solution

Cash registers represent an endangered species in the retail world since mobile devices allow business owners greater and greater sales flexibility. A point of sale solution for the iPhone such as Intuit CC processing lets you swipe credit and debit cards as well as take e-signatures on an Apple mobile. This point of sale option keeps a running tally of financial transactions so that you can monitor which products have been pulling their weight, and which have yet to get into the black.
mobile phones technology business

Manage Social Media Platforms

It’s no secret that a business with a strong social media following has a better grasp on its market share than a business that has unplugged from the Internet. With so many platforms needing activity, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn, updating the same message a dozen times is time consuming. HootSuite lets you instantly update multiple social media platforms with the touch of a single button, tweeting at the same time that you share or upload materials.

Share Scheduling

While the easiest and fastest means of communicating with fellow employees remains a call or text, your iPhone can help them get up to speed on schedules, shifts or up-coming special events. The basic calendar function on iOS works fine for simplicity’s sake. But advanced apps give your business a whole new layer of depth for planning and time management. Check out the Sunrise Calendar 2.0 app for iOS when you want to create a Facebook event, post it to a workplace calendar and even check the temperature for the specific day to know what to expect. This all-in-one calendar includes social integration and chat functions to share with other iOS users in your business network.

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