
ROMEO SCHOOLS: District issues new technology to teachers

ROMEO SCHOOLS: District issues new technology to teachers

New Technology
As part of a four-day orientation for the new devices, teachers went through a Technology Carnival set up to teach them everything they'll need to know about their new iPads. Leslie Fisher was the keynote speaker for a week of workshops and guidance …

In Impoverished Bradford County, Schools Add New Technology To Improve

New Technology
Lisa Graham, principal of Southside Elementary School, said she is excited about introducing a new iPad app, GoodReader, to fifth-graders. The iPads are available to fifth-graders and every teacher in the school. The app will allow students to …

Deer Valley pushing new technology for students

New Technology
The Deer Valley Unified School District is launching new technology initiatives this year, which include encouraging students to bring technology into the classroom and to access textbooks online. Sandra Day O'Connor High School in north Phoenix will …

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