
Raw jalapeño crackers

When things get a little, um… shriveled… over here, there’s really only one thing to do with them.

shriveled jalapeños

Put them into the dehydrator! Duh. It’s where things go to die…or be born again?

raw jalapeño crackers

I’ve gotten a little overzealous with my jalapeño consumption. They’ve been thrown into eggs, salads, eaten with hummus, plain, it’s a little out of control. There are a few things that are worth purchasing in bulk in our house, and I added jalapeños to the mix when I picked up two containers last week. I didn’t eat them all before they started to shrivel. I knew there was something else I could do to make use of them before they went to waste, so I blended them up with some of my favorite raw cracker ingredients,

raw cracker ingredients in the blender

and a new snack was born.

This cracker recipe is raw, gluten-free, vegan and Paleo! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did <3


Raw Cheezy Jalapeno Crisps

raw jalapeno crackers



  • 1/2 C almond meal (you can grind your own for this recipe to be 100% raw, but I cheated and used the pre-made meal from Joe the Trader)
  • 2 T ground flax
  • 1 red bell pepper, roughly chopped
  • 1 large jalapeño (or two), seeded and chopped into large chunks
  • 2 T nutritional yeast (+ more for sprinkling)
  • 1/4 t sea salt (+ more for sprinkling)
  • 1/2 t garlic powder
  • 1/4 t smoked paprika (or 1/2 t regular paprika)
  • 1/2 C water


  1. 1. Blend all of the ingredients in a high speed blender, then put onto a Tefflex sheet. If you’re not using a dehydrator, no worries, just pour the mixture onto a piece of parchment paper, placed atop a cookie sheet.
  2. 2. Using the back of a knife or an offset spatula, smooth the mixture so that it has equal thickness throughout. When I dehydrate mixes, I make sure that the edges have a little more, as they tend to get very thin and crack.
  3. 3. Sprinkle extra sea salt and nutritional yeast on top of the mix. This is what takes it over the top ?
  4. 4. Dehydrate for 6 hours, then flip over and carefully remove the Teflexx sheet to allow the other side can dehydrate. If using an oven, bake on the lowest setting with the door slightly ajar for around 45 minutes, check the top and if it’s dried, flip over and dry out the opposite side.
  5. 5. Break into chip-sized pieces and enjoy crumbled into a salad, as a salsa scooper, or solo for an awesome snack.


pouring the mix

spreading the mix

sprinkling nutritional yeast

out of the dehydrator

raw jalapeno crackers

For more of my favorite raw recipes, check out the Food page!


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